Section class

(Shortest import: from brian2 import Section)

class brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Section(**kwds)[source]

Bases: brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Morphology

A section (unbranched structure), described as a sequence of truncated cones with potentially varying diameters and lengths per compartment.


area The membrane surface area of each compartment in this section.
diameter The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this section.
distance The total distance between the midpoint of each compartment and the root of the morphology.
end_diameter The diameter at the end of each compartment in this section.
end_distance The distance to the root of the morphology at the end of this section.
end_x_ The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment.
end_y_ The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment.
end_z_ The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment.
length The length of each compartment in this section.
r_length_1 The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment.
r_length_2 The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment.
start_diameter The diameter at the start of each compartment in this section.
start_x_ The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment.
start_y_ The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment.
start_z_ The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment.
volume The volume of each compartment in this section.
x_ The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment.
y_ The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment.
z_ The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment.


copy_section() Create a copy of the current section (attributes of this section only, not re-creating the parent/children relation)



The membrane surface area of each compartment in this section. The surface area of each compartment is calculated as \(\frac{\pi}{2}(d_1 + d_2)\sqrt{\frac{(d_1 - d_2)^2}{4} + l^2)}\), where \(l\) is the length of the compartment, and \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) are the diameter at the start and end of the compartment, respectively. Note that this surface area does not contain the area of the two disks at the two sides of the truncated cone.


The diameter at the middle of each compartment in this section.


The total distance between the midpoint of each compartment and the root of the morphology.


The diameter at the end of each compartment in this section.


The distance to the root of the morphology at the end of this section.


The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the end of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The length of each compartment in this section.


The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the start and the midpoint of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance.


The geometry-dependent term to calculate the conductance between the midpoint and the end of each compartment. Dividing this value by the Intracellular resistivity gives the conductance.


The diameter at the start of each compartment in this section.


The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the beginning of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The volume of each compartment in this section. The volume of each compartment is calculated as \(\frac{\pi}{12} l (d_1^2 + d_1 d_2 + d_2^2)\), where \(l\) is the length of the compartment, and \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) are the diameter at the start and end of the compartment, respectively.


The x coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The y coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


The z coordinate (as a unitless floating point number) at the midpoint of each compartment. Returns None for morphologies without coordinates.


Create a copy of the current section (attributes of this section only, not re-creating the parent/children relation)